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Close Encounters
Category: TV Shows | Date: 26-Oct-2023

View & Download Expedition Unknown Hunt For Extraterrestrials S01E01 Close Encounters 720p DSCP WE
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Category: eBooks | Date: 22-Jul-2021

Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Ultimate Visual History By Michael Klastorin
2017 | 192 Pages | ISBN: 0062692992 | EPUB | 48 MB
Celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Steven Spielberg's sci-fi classicClose Encounters of the Third Kindwith this fully authorized behind-the-scenes book exploring the creation, production, and legacy of this iconic film.Created in conjunction with Sony Pictures and Amblin Entertainment,Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Visual Historydetails the complete creative journey behind the making of the film and examines its cultural impact.Featuring rare and never-before-seen imagery from the archives, the book brings together a stunning collection of on-set photography, concept art, storyboards, and more to create a visual narrative of the film's journey to the big screen. It also features a wealth of insightful commentary from every key player involved in the film, from the acclaimed director himself to the film's stars and the key department heads who brought Spielberg's vision to life.Special inserts and interactive elements include script pages, call lists, concept sketches, and more. Comprehensive, compelling, and filled with unseen treasures,Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Ultimate Visual Historyis a fitting tribute to one of history's most iconic films.
View & Download Close Encounters Of The Third Kind The Ultimate Visual History
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