Lock Folder 6.1.3
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Download Lock Folder 6.1.3 (1 result found)
Lock Folder 6.1.3
Category: Applications | Date: 12-Jun-2021
File size: 10.3 MB
Folder Lock 7 is a full suite solution for all your data security needs. It lets you keep your personal files protected in a variety of ways, in both PC and portable drives and offers optional backup of protected files to an online storage. Folder Lock comes with a perfect combination of seven (7) security tools, letting you encrypt your important files using 256-bit on-the-fly encryption; back them up in real-time to an online storage, and store them to any portable device. The program also lets you lock files, folders and drives; save your personal information in Wallets; shred files and clean your Windows History.
View & Download Folder Lock 7.8.6 Multilingual
File Hosts: Rapidgator | Nitroflare | Uploadgig
Category: Applications | Date: 11-Jun-2021
Folder Lock v7.8.6 Multilingual | File size: 10.3 MB
Folder Lock 7 is a full suite solution for all your data security needs. It lets you keep your personal files protected in a variety of ways, in both PC and portable drives and offers optional backup of protected files to an online storage.Folder Lock comes with a perfect combination of seven (7) security tools, letting you encrypt your important files using 256-bit on-the-fly encryption; back them up in real-time to an online storage, and store them to any portable device. The program also lets you lock files, folders and drives; save your personal information in Wallets; shred files and clean your Windows History.
View & Download Folder Lock V7.8.6 Multilingual
File Hosts: Rapidgator
Lock Folder 6.1.3 Crack
Lock Folder 6.1.3 Serial
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